Write to Us

We are already looking forward to hearing from you! 

Wait, who are you writing exactly? Well, you are writing to The Snack Gazebo. We are an itty bitty publishing house that makes itty bitty cards that are cuter than your ordinary card and we do it because we believe that the world deserves something better than the typical early 90's funeral vibe that mini cards have a tendency to embody. We've kind of always been one parental eye-roll towards whimsical and away from status quo, if that makes any sense. To be perfectly honest, we have been doing this for a very long time. But for real, our names are Alex and Andrew and we grew up as #2 & #5 of the five kid neighbors in an otherwise pretty kidless neighborhood across the street from the defunct Daisy Air Rifle factory, and it was, well, let's just say all of our parents still live there and no one is very surprised that we started a card company. 

Here at The Snack Gazebo, little (but important) notes are what we are all about. Feel free to fill out the form below if you have a question or if you need assistance or email us directly at andrew@snackgazebo.com. 

You can also send us snail mail!
We can be reached at:
Snack Gazebo
P.O. Box 47522
Chicago, IL 60647